If you want to order something ,you can consult the menu on the wall.
But my uncle very understand which dishes are good, he just order something without watching anything.
Many restaurant in Malaysia haven’t menu on paper.
You can see the menu on the wall or ordering something you saw.
【菜單資訊 Menu】
來到這裡就一定要來品嘗看看道地的印度甩餅! 印度甩餅在馬來西亞叫做是”Roti canai”,也可以叫做是Roti prata,而在印度當地則是叫做”dosa” Roti在中文和英文的意思指的是”會飛的麵包”,在這裡當煎餅,canai則是來回壓扁的意思 If you come here, you should try the authentic roti prata. Roti prata is called “Roti canai” in Malaysia,however it’s called “dosa” in India. In English and in Chinese, roti canai is sometimes referred to as “flying bread” , a term that evokes the process of tossing and spinning by which it is made.在這裡可以看著師傅從容不迫的現作甩餅,他將麵和好做成小片,用手和工具壓平
The master make the roti with an ease.
He mixed the flour and water to a paste, and cut into portions.
The paste is crushed by hands or tools and throwed up until it become bigger and thinner.
Next process is tossing and spinning it into about a 5 or 6 inch pancake, putting it in hot pan.
Putting fillings that customers ordered.
有甜的口味例如師傅正在製作的Roti Tisu,是加上砂糖和奶油做成圓錐狀(下面會有) 一般的Roti都會做成照片中左邊的那種~ 像是在摺棉被一樣很好玩 Roti have a sweet taste or saline taste, for example, Roti Tisu is a sweet taste with sugar and cream cheese. 櫥窗裡有很多種醬料,不過我個人腸胃比較不好不敢亂嘗試 不過來馬來西亞這幾天我幾乎都在拉肚子哈哈哈…. 建議腸胃跟我一樣脆弱的少吃辣少吃路邊攤,或是隨身帶著正露丸 There are many sauces. But if you suffer from indigestion, I suggest that you shouldn’t try anything casually. Because I had diarrhea in the trip. If you still want to eat a lot of food that you seldom eat, you should keep the medicine with you. ▲ Soup Kambing 羊肉湯 RM5.5 辣到很麻的羊肉湯,湯頭的口味蠻重的,不過蠻好喝的也很適合沾著Roti來吃 裡頭有加一些香料和羊肉末 Soup Kambing is a kind soup that has the minced mutton and spice. The soup is very spicy ,heavy,and delicious. ▲ Ten Tarik 拉茶 這種拉茶是我來馬來西亞後喝到最多的飲料,在台灣夜市偶爾會看到用兩個杯子拉來拉去的就是了 可以說是馬來西亞極具代表性的飲料,它的名字源自於它製作的時候是用類似拉的動作去調製飲料 拉茶味道類似奶茶,比起奶茶少了一點茶味多了點甜味 這種拉茶起源來自於移民到馬來西亞的印度人,茶拉的越長、泡泡越多就越好喝呢! “Ten Tarik” is considered as the national drink of Malaysia. Its name is derived from the pouring process of “pulling” the drink during preparation. It tasted like milk tea but is more sweeter. Ten Tarik was invented by the Indian who are immigrants in Malaysia. The mixture is poured back and forth repeatedly between two vessels from a height, giving it a thick frothy top. ▲ Fried chicken 炸雞 相信這不用我介紹大家都知道是什麼~ 不過他們的炸雞是用生雞肉裹粉下去炸,沒有什麼調味 可以自己沾醬吃~ ▲ Fried chicken breast with stir-fried noodles 炸雞排炒麵 說到炸香雞排應該是沒有任何國家贏得了台灣的,所以這道菜也覺得普普 雞排的味道不會很重,而下面的炒麵味道就比較重鹹一些 份量很大,適合要吃粗飽的朋友 ▲ Roti Canai 印度甩餅 RM1~7 姨丈至少幫我們點了5,6種口味,但是因為餡料是包在裡面的而且每個都長很像 所以我就沒有一一拍照給大家看 這裡最招牌的就是Roti了,口味非常多種,有原味(Kosong)、香蕉(Pisang)、牛油(Planta)、蛋(Telur)…等等 因為馬來西亞有它獨特的語言,所以看這餐點就算英文很厲害應該也是有看沒有懂 每一道Roti都會配上一小盤的咖哩醬(dahl),又稱作是素咖哩,帶一點點辣度而已 或是另一種比較辣的,是用咖哩和小鳳尾魚熱辣醬料一起吃 ▲ Roti Telur 印度甩餅-雞蛋口味 RM2 吃起來其實就蠻像是台灣的蔥油餅去掉蔥的味道 餅皮非常Q彈啊!!! 不愧剛剛那師傅用力的甩阿拋阿~ 蛋的份量給的蠻多的,餅皮的厚度不會太厚,吃起來味道很不錯呢!! 鹹的口味或是原味沾上咖哩醬一起吃很好吃,這才是道地的印度甩餅吃法~ ▲ Roti Pisang 印度甩餅-香蕉口味 RM2.5 來到熱帶國家香蕉可是不能缺少的水果之一阿! 香蕉切薄片後加入奶油起司包在甩餅裡頭,遇熱後香蕉變的軟嫩的口感 甜甜香香的味道配上起司的奶香,有點類似泰國香蕉煎餅的感覺~ ▲ Roti Tisu 印度甩餅-煉乳&奶油乳酪 RM2.5 我最喜歡就是這道,剛剛的Roti是有摺疊過後煎出來的,這道Roti tisu則是整張餅皮下去煎 趁餅皮還軟的時候捲成圓錐的形狀,就變成像是巫師帽形狀的Roti囉! 煎的酥酥脆脆的就像薄片餅乾的口感 上頭有灑上砂糖和奶油乳酪,甜甜香香又酥脆很好吃,也是道很適合多人享用的餐點~ 有機會來到馬來西亞玩,可以嘗試看看大馬限定的印度甩餅 體驗當地人的深夜美食 🙂 如果無法租借到交通工具,現在也可以到KKday上訂購行程,讓自由行也可以輕鬆玩~【馬來西亞-吉隆坡推薦行程】 東南亞五國網卡|新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、印尼、柬埔寨每日吃到飽上網卡|台灣寄送 【吉隆坡機場直達快線】KLIA Ekspres Airport 優惠車票 吉隆坡塔觀景台、Sky Deck 和 Sky Box門票 新馬印柬越泰上網SIM卡 【馬來西亞-馬六甲推薦行程】 亞洲多國 5/7/8/14/30天 eSIM 馬來西亞布城、馬六甲包車一日遊|粉紅清真寺、聖保羅教堂 馬六甲動物園門票|日間/夜間 馬六甲河遊船票 歷史悠久的馬六甲一日遊
│店 名 Name │Restoran Ayoob
│地 址 Adress│Jalan Malim Jaya 2 Taman Malim Jaya 75250 Melaka (Google map)
│電 話 Phone │+60 6-317 0818
│營業時間 Opening Time│24HR